For the month, Boulder canyon has been closed and only residents and work trucks were allowed up. The National Guards were posted at the mouth of the canyon checking identification every time you went past. With very quick effort, the road opened on Sunday October 6th, 2013. 

On the 6th, our amazing neighbors Greg and Dolores opened up their home for a potluck for the neighbors. Everyone told their stories and let each other know what they needed help with. Most of the families are living back in their homes, most with some kind of backup for water such as a cistern. Most houses in the canyon collect water from the creek and seepage from the ground and goes through a filter to the well.  Our well sat on the other side of the creek and all the piping was ripped apart when the water came rushing through.  So running water in the canyon is scarce. 

It was great to gather with the neighborhood and make sure everyone was okay and see what they need help with.
PictureOne of the many piles around Boulder.
It's been busy the past week. We just moved into a temporary home last night, which will house us until the repairs our done on our apartment or we find a new place. It will definitely feel nice to get settled in our own beds. 

Neighbors have been busy fixing bridges and wells. Most of the damages have been the land around houses and unfortunately these damages weren't covered by insurance. We've been learning quite a few tips to look into if we ever purchase flood insurance and renters insurance. 

Other than damages, everyone is making it somehow. We are planning a potluck on Sunday on Fourmile to get the neighbors together to talk, offer an help and advice to each other and tell our stories of the flood. For more info please contact me.

As you drive through parts of Boulder, you'll find containers filled with mattresses, wood, carpet and a million random things that have been destroyed. We grabbed our masks and gloves and headed up to clean out the place. The carpet has been wet for two weeks, mold is forming and the lower parts of the wall are absorbing all the water. We'll have to replace some items and others could use a deep cleaning. 

As we drove out that night, we were instructed by the Nationl Guard to drive up Fourmile to get to Sunshine Canyon. It definitely didn't seem like the safest choice. The road has collapsed to only fit one car with broken sections on both sides. Some parts drop off about 20 feet and you wonder how stable is this right now. It was the most damage I've seen in our area and it was only less than a quarter mile up from our house.  

Here are some photos from our evening of cleaning:

As of now, we have received $190 in donations. Please contact me if you know of a family that has been displaced and could use a good meal. I can be reached at: [email protected]. We plan on making some meals next week. 
When a disaster happens, we want to help. People have been shoveling out mud and picking up debris for days. Tomorrow we'll be packing our things that have been sitting in a damp room for two weeks. Repairs have started but many people are still out of their homes. 

This is me, Jezryl. I've lived in Boulder for two years. We moved up to Fourmile Canyon because we had a leak in our ceiling that our landlord ignored to fix. We never thought that five months later we would have a stream in our whole apartment with a raging thirty foot river right outside our front door.

I'm very excited to start this project. I've grown up in a small town most of my life and enjoy getting to know my community. Our support will be so uplifting to broken spirits!